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HeadinSundaSunday Mass 10:00 AMyg
Sunday Mass @ 10:00 AM
About us
In the Catholic tradition, we are a Lutheran community of faith in action, hearts in worship and hands outstretched in compassion and service.
It is the stated policy of this parish community to welcome and fully include persons of every age, race, gender identity, ability, relationship status and sexual orientation.
" ..a house of prayer for all people.." Isaiah 56
We are currently a congregation of the NJ Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Redeemer is an ELCA Safe Haven for children and youth; a member congregation of the Association of Lutheran Older Adults (ALOA), and a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) parish.
Of course, the best way of discovering life at Redeemer is to join us in worship this Sunday
at 10:00am.