Sunday sung mass, in-person, 10:00 AM.
A relaxed, traditional celebration of Holy Communion. Hymns, special music, our parish choir and a relevant (and short!) sermon. We use music from every era, many cultures, and join our voices with the organ, piano, brass, guitar. There's a little of everything that enables us to make "a joyful noise unto the Lord!"
Wesnesday, said Evening Prayer & Holy Communion, in-person, 6:15 PM. Join us in prayer and worship each week. Please use the front entrance. Thank you.
On festivals and special commemorations, we often celebrate a Solemn Sung Mass. Solemn does not mean somber. A solemn mass simply includes a little incense (hypo-allergenic), greater ceremonial (intoning the Gospel and the creed for example) and a whole lot of God. Our worship is never stuffy or fussy .... but it is an authentic expression of our eucharistia, our thanksgiving to God.
Solemn Evening Prayer (Vespers)
Evening prayer in Advent and Lent, 6:15pm. Silence, prayer, scripture reading, simple singing, anointing for healing, and of course, incense.
Lutheran-Episcopal Mass at Seabrook, Fourth Wednesday, 2:30pm. We share in this ministry with CATS (Churches at the Shore) - a joint venture of ELCA and ECUSA parishes in the greater Asbury Park area. Seabrook is a 2,500 unit senior development in Neptune Twp. While designed for residents, anyone is welcome to participate. For more information contact the office at Trinity Episcopal Church (Asbury Pk) or Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Lectionary (Readings at Mass) Lector assignments are available on a separate page under this worship heading. The appointed readings for mass are available there.
Daily Prayer
The Daily Offices are prayed by many members of this parish community. Most often in our homes, places of employment, on the train to work .... From time to time we do gather for the Office, usually during Advent and Lent. Prayer at Noontime & the Angelus are offered at 12noon most weekdays. If the front doors are wide open come in and join us. Resouces for daily prayer and other devotional aids are available in the narthex. To get started, speak with the Pastor.
The Church is Open for Prayer
Most weekdays, April through November, our building is open for prayer between 11:00am and 1:00pm. If the signs are up inviting folks to stop in ... please do so! Join us for Prayer at Noontime & the Angelus. Many folks having lunch at Steve & Irene's Food Truck will come in, rest a bit, pray, even ask to speak with the clergy. We're not open as often as we'd like, and it does depend on someone being in the building, but we do take to heart our calling to be " ... a house of prayer for all people ..." (Isaiah 56)
Feast Days on Week Days
Mass is celebrated on feast days as announced. See the first page or call the church office at 732-922-2757.
Individual (Private) Confession & Forgiveness
The sacrament is currently offered by appointment with the pastor. The rite is printed in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, pages 243-244.
Our growing community needs more servers! Are you interested in serving as an acolyte, thurifer, lector, crucifer, chalice bearer or assisting minister of the eucharist? Maybe a "stealth greeter," responsible for greeting guests/visitors? Contact Fr Randy Steinman. Training and encouragement are provided.
Information on Holy Baptism, Funerals, and Weddings is posted on sub pages.