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HeadinSundaSunday Mass 10:00 AMyg
Sunday Mass @ 10:00 AM
Christian Formation
Christian Formation is more than education, although life-long learning is an important aspect. It is life practices and experiences linked to the spiritual dimension of your personhood. The seven aspects of Formation are practiced at Redeemer in an environment of joyful,
unconditional love. We want to assist
you as you grow in faith! Let us know
how we might accompany you on life's
journey, in Christ the Lord.
Bible Study
Monday, 7:00 PM via Zoom. A
fresh look at the Gospel for the
upcoming Sunday. Use the contact
page to request more info.
Second Sunday
Households with young children gather after mass for 45 minutes.
(NO session January 2024).
Exploring what it means to be a member of this parish community. Meets at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning for six sessions; forty minutes each. Contact Pastor for more information or to register.
Living Lutheran Liturgy
Sundays as announced.
An introduction to the Lutheran tradition and life in this parish community, led by clergy of the parish. A place to ask questions, reflect, and share in spiritual growth with others. 9:00am-9:40am. Coffee/tea served. Sign-up by calling the office 732-922-2757.
Bible & Bagels
Lutheran Men in Mission. TBA
What sort of small group would be helpful for you? Let us know.
Christian Formation of Adults
Redeemer offers a variety of bible studies, book discussions, and other small group settings. Spiritual growth of the whole person is at the center of our formation process.
Christian Formation of Children
Children are valued, protected and nurtured in our parish community. The number of children and youth is small, but they are active in every aspect of our parish life, including worship.